1 |
When changing a lane, you should: |
2 |
Where should you position yourself in your lane when driving on the road? |
3 |
You must drive on the right half of the roadway except: |
4 |
When the driver of another vehicle is about to overtake and pass your vehicle, you should: |
5 |
What should you do when a fast-moving vehicle wants to pass you on the left? |
6 |
How should you normally pass a vehicle? |
7 |
Which lane should you use for passing when on a multi-lane freeway? |
8 |
Are you allowed to exceed the speed limit to pass other vehicles? |
9 |
Which of the following should you avoid when passing another vehicle? |
10 |
When is it safe to return to your lane after passing a vehicle? |
11 |
If other vehicles are consistently passing you on the left side while driving on a multi-lane highway, what should you do? |
12 |
As you approach a curve or the crest of a hill, you should: |
13 |
When should you NOT pass another vehicle? |
14 |
After passing a vehicle, you must return to the right side of the road before coming within ________ of any approaching vehicle. |
15 |
What should you avoid while being passed by another vehicle? |
16 |
When are you not allowed to pass a vehicle? |
17 |
What is required for the cars in the picture? |
18 |
When changing lanes or passing a vehicle, you may cross: |
19 |
Drivers may travel in the same direction on both sides of a __________, but should not cross the line unless to avoid a hazard. |
20 |
When are drivers allowed to cross solid yellow lines? |
21 |
When are drivers allowed to cross the center line dividing two lanes to pass another vehicle? |
22 |
When are you allowed to cross the double solid yellow lines? |
23 |
Under what conditions is passing prohibited? |
24 |
When is it permitted to pass a vehicle from the right-hand lane? |
25 |
When are you allowed to pass on the right? |
26 |
Can you use the highway breakdown lane for travel or passing? |
27 |
On a multi-lane roadway with several lanes in one direction, which lanes should you use for passing? |
28 |
How far should you be able to see in front of you when crossing a broken yellow line to pass a vehicle? |