Study Guide

# Question Image
1 What should you do before changing a lane or turning around a corner?

2 When making a turn at an intersection, what should you do to ensure a safe turn?

3 When approaching a sharp curve, what should you do?

4 What should you do if you approach an intersection and realize you are not in the correct lane for turning?

5 Which of the following should you do when making a turn at an intersection?

6 At intersections, you should:

7 How should you make a right turn? Changing directions - How should you make a right turn?
8 What should you check before you begin to turn right?

9 Can you turn right on a red light at the intersection after coming to a complete stop at the proper stopping point?

10 When approaching an intersection for a right turn, what is the first step you should take?

11 How should you position your vehicle when approaching the intersection for a right turn?

12 What must drivers do before turning right on red at a traffic light?

13 When should you make a right turn at an intersection with a red light?

14 Why should you not turn your steering wheel to the left when stopped at an intersection waiting for oncoming traffic to clear? Changing directions - Why should you not turn your steering wheel to the left when stopped at an intersection waiting for oncoming traffic to clear?
15 Can you make a left turn when facing a red traffic light?

16 How should you make a left turn from a one-way road onto another one-way road? Changing directions - How should you make a left turn from a one-way road onto another one-way road?
17 How should you make a left turn from a two-way road onto another two-way road? Changing directions - How should you make a left turn from a two-way road onto another two-way road?
18 How should you make a left turn from a two-way road onto a one-way road? Changing directions - How should you make a left turn from a two-way road onto a one-way road?
19 How should you make a left turn from a one-way road onto a two-way road? Changing directions - How should you make a left turn from a one-way road onto a two-way road?
20 While turning left at an intersection, you must yield the right-of-way to: Changing directions - While turning left at an intersection, you must yield the right-of-way to:
21 How is the center lane of a three-lane or five-lane highway intended to be used?

22 How should you make a left turn from a two-way road onto a four-lane highway? Changing directions - How should you make a left turn from a two-way road onto a four-lane highway?
23 Are you allowed to use the center left-turn lane for passing other vehicles?

24 How far from the left turn are you allowed to enter the center left turn lane? Changing directions - How far from the left turn are you allowed to enter the center left turn lane?
25 Who has the right-of-way in the roundabouts or rotaries? Changing directions - Who has the right-of-way in the roundabouts or rotaries?
26 What should you remember when entering a roundabout? Changing directions - What should you remember when entering a roundabout?
27 What should you remember when exiting a roundabout? Changing directions - What should you remember when exiting a roundabout?
28 What is true about roundabouts?

29 What is the recommended speed for vehicles in a roundabout?

30 What should you avoid when backing up?

31 What should you do before backing up or backing out of a parking space?

32 What should you consider when backing up a vehicle?

33 What should you do while backing up your vehicle? Changing directions - What should you do while backing up your vehicle?
34 From where should you never make a U-turn?

35 When should you avoid making a U-turn?

36 Where should you not make a U-turn?

37 What is the first action you should take when preparing to make a three-point turn?

38 What should you do before making a turn?

39 When should you signal your intention to turn?

40 When making a turn, you should:

41 When turning, you should NOT:

42 When two drivers approach an intersection and both want to turn left, then: Changing directions - When two drivers approach an intersection and both want to turn left, then:
43 When two vehicles enter a center turn lane from opposite directions, who has the right of way?

44 Which lane must you be in before making a left turn from a one-way street? Changing directions - Which lane must you be in before making a left turn from a one-way street?
45 From where should you start a left turn on a two-way street?

46 What should you do if you miss your exit in a roundabout?

47 When is backing allowed on controlled-access highways?

48 How should you hold the steering wheel for better control when backing?

49 While backing up, where should you turn the steering wheel if you want the back of the vehicle to move right?

50 What should you avoid doing when backing up?

51 In Tennessee, where is it unlawful to make a U-turn?

52 Is it legal to use the emergency crossovers to "turn around" in the event you missed an exit or are in a traffic jam?