1 |
Angry drivers often attempt dangerous retaliatory action. What's the best way to avoid being angry on the road? |
2 |
What does aggressive driving include? |
3 |
What should you do if an aggressive driver cuts you off? |
4 |
When a vehicle unexpectedly moves in front of you, creating a hazard, what should your initial response be? |
5 |
Tired drivers can be as impaired as drunk drivers: |
6 |
What should you do if you feel drowsy while driving? |
7 |
How can you prevent fatigue on a long trip? |
8 |
Who is at a higher risk for feeling drowsy while operating a vehicle? |
9 |
What should you do to combat "highway hypnosis" during long trips? |
10 |
How often is it advisable to take breaks during long drives? |
11 |
What safety rules should you follow while traveling in work zones? |
12 |
What precautions should you take to reduce your chances of hitting an animal? |
13 |
When are animals most active, increasing the risk of collisions? |
14 |
What is the best way to detect the presence of animals on the road while driving at night? |
15 |
Why is it advised not to flash headlights when spotting deer on or near the roadway? |
16 |
Why is it advised never to swerve to avoid a deer or other animal? |
17 |
What is the restriction regarding driving a vehicle equipped with a video monitor that is visible to the driver? |
18 |
What is prohibited while operating a motor vehicle? |
19 |
What is considered a driver distraction? |
20 |
Using a wireless device to ________ while operating a motor vehicle is prohibited. |
21 |
What should you do when you see an emergency vehicle approaching you with flashing blue or red lights? |
22 |
If you are at an intersection preparing to make a turn and suddenly an emergency vehicle appears to be approaching, what should you do? |
23 |
What should you do when approaching a stationary authorized emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights while on a highway with multiple lanes carrying traffic in the same direction? |
24 |
On a multi-lane roadway, what should you do if you cannot safely move over when you encounter a stationary emergency vehicle? |
25 |
When do you need to yield to emergency vehicles? |
26 |
Why should you be cautious around emergency vehicles using lights and sirens? |
27 |
Emergency vehicle drivers, when using lights and sirens, have the legal authority to: |
28 |
What should you do if you hear an ambulance siren but cannot see the ambulance? |
29 |
What should you do if the traffic light turns green before the emergency vehicle has passed the intersection? |
30 |
Which of the following behaviors should be avoided to prevent road rage? |
31 |
What should you do when driving near channeling devices in a work zone? |
32 |
To drive safely in work zones, you should: |
33 |
When approaching a road work zone, you should: |
34 |
When driving through a road work zone, you should: |
35 |
Holding a cell phone or mobile device with any part of the body while driving is: |
36 |
You receive a video call on your cellphone while driving. What does the law require you to do in such a situation? |
37 |
What should you do when you see an emergency vehicle backing into or already in the process of backing into a fire station driveway? |
38 |
It is ______ to follow a fire truck or other emergency vehicle responding to a fire alarm or other emergency. |
39 |
Driving within the block where an emergency vehicle has stopped to take care of the emergency is: |
40 |
If you are driving through an emergency site, you: |
41 |
How long should you remain stopped after pulling over for an emergency vehicle? |
42 |
What should you avoid when stopping for an emergency vehicle? |