Study Guide

# Question Image
1 What does the presence of red reflectors on lane lines indicate? Driving along - What does the presence of red reflectors on lane lines indicate?
2 As a defensive driver, you should:

3 As a defensive driver, why should you keep your eyes moving while driving?

4 A defensive driver should:

5 What should your hand position be on the steering wheel if you think of the steering wheel as a clock? Driving along - What should your hand position be on the steering wheel if you think of the steering wheel as a clock?
6 Why should you avoid driving with your elbow out the window? Driving along - Why should you avoid driving with your elbow out the window?
7 What should you do if you suddenly lose control of the steering wheel while driving?

8 When should you use your turn signals and brake lights?

9 What does the picture below indicate? Driving along - What does the picture below indicate?
10 What does the picture below indicate? Driving along - What does the picture below indicate?
11 What does the picture below indicate? Driving along - What does the picture below indicate?
12 Why is it important to use your turn signals even when you do not see other vehicles around you?

13 When should you sound a sharp blast on your horn?

14 What happens if you drive slower than the posted speed limit?

15 Why are minimum speed limits established on certain roads and highways?

16 What tends to cause collisions on the road?

17 Under normal driving conditions, driving too slow below the posted limit speed is_______.

18 Is it within your rights to physically resist or obstruct a law enforcement officer's search during a stop?

19 During a traffic break, when the officer turns on their rear emergency lights and slowly weaves across lanes, to be helpful, you should:

20 Which of the following statements is true regarding directions given by traffic officers?

21 What should you do when a law enforcement officer approaches your vehicle during a traffic stop?

22 What should you do if you want to ask questions during a traffic stop?

23 What should you do if you cannot immediately find a safe place to stop when law enforcement signals you to pull over?

24 What should a driver do if suspected of drunk driving during a traffic stop?

25 What is the minimum safe distance you must keep from the vehicle in front? Driving along - What is the minimum safe distance you must keep from the vehicle in front?
26 What can you do to avoid rear-end collisions when driving behind another car?

27 What should you do if someone is following you too closely (tailgating)? Driving along - What should you do if someone is following you too closely (tailgating)?
28 What is the best way to ensure a safe following distance from the driver behind you?

29 How can you lower the risk of someone running into the rear of your vehicle?

30 For a safer driving, you should:

31 While driving defensively, you should focus your vision:

32 As a defensive driver, you should:

33 When operating a vehicle with a steering wheel interlock system, you should:

34 Is it okay to let the steering wheel slip through your fingers?

35 With the Push-Pull method of steering, both hands:

36 When initiating a left turn using the Push-Pull method:

37 What should you do with the steering wheel after completing a turn using the Push-Pull method?

38 How should you move your hands on the steering wheel when making a right turn using the Push-Pull method?

39 What makes the hand-over-hand method different from other steering techniques?

40 When using an adjustable steering wheel, you should:

41 When driving, how should you hold the steering wheel?

42 When must you use your turn signal?

43 Before entering or exiting the interstate or other controlled access roadway, you should:

44 After completing a turn or lane change, you should:

45 When pulling out from a parked position to re-enter the traffic, how long should you use your turn signal?

46 When should you signal if you plan to turn beyond an intersection?

47 You should NOT use your signals to:

48 You are considered to be driving a slow-moving vehicle when:

49 What is the minimum speed limit in the right lane(s) on the interstates?

50 Velocitizing occurs when you:

51 What can help prevent a false perception of slowness (velocitization) while driving long distances?

52 The maximum speed for interstate highways is:

53 The posted speed limit for most of the rural sections of interstate highways is:

54 In the urban or metropolitan areas of interstates, the speed limit is:

55 Driving a vehicle less than 55 mph in the left most lane of any interstate highway is:

56 What should you do if five or more vehicles are lined up behind you?

57 If you're pulled over by a police officer, you should:

58 If you're being directed to pull over by someone in an unmarked police car, you should:

59 When stopping behind another vehicle at an intersection, you should: Driving along - When stopping behind another vehicle at an intersection, you should:
60 In which situations should you increase your following distance to at least four seconds?

61 What should you do if you find yourself being followed too closely by another driver?

62 What should you avoid doing when dealing with a tailgater?

63 When driving between oncoming traffic and parked vehicles, you should:

64 If the oncoming vehicle is a semi-truck and there are parked cars on the other side, you should: Driving along - If the oncoming vehicle is a semi-truck and there are parked cars on the other side, you should:
65 When changing lanes, entering a roadway, or merging, you should maintain a gap of at least:

66 Why should you never cut across multiple lanes?

67 You should slow down and be prepared to allow room for:

68 The two-second rule for maintaining a safe following distance applies at:

69 Does passing allow you to exceed the speed limit?