Study Guide

# Question Image
1 To whom should drivers and cyclists yield the right-of-way at a pedestrian crossing or any location with a crosswalk?

2 If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the street, which of the following has the right of way?

3 What should you do when approaching a stopped vehicle that is letting pedestrians cross the road at the intersection? Sharing the road - What should you do when approaching a stopped vehicle that is letting pedestrians cross the road at the intersection?
4 Where should pedestrians normally walk on a highway or elsewhere?

5 What should you do when children are present near the road?

6 Where should you stop when giving the right-of-way to a blind person crossing the street? Sharing the road - Where should you stop when giving the right-of-way to a blind person crossing the street?
7 In which of the following situations should you always stop before crossing the sidewalk or crosswalk area?

8 How can you help protect a pedestrian in a crosswalk when you are stopped, and the cars in the next lane don't see the pedestrian and continue at full speed? Sharing the road - How can you help protect a pedestrian in a crosswalk when you are stopped, and the cars in the next lane don't see the pedestrian and continue at full speed?
9 Which of the following is considered a pedestrian?

10 Why should you avoid stopping in the middle of a crosswalk?

11 What does it indicate when a blind person pulls in their cane and steps away from an intersection?

12 What should pedestrians do in areas with no pedestrian crosswalks or signals?

13 Whose responsibility is it to take measures to avoid collisions that include pedestrians?

14 How far should you stop before the crosswalk when on a multi-lane road? Sharing the road - How far should you stop before the crosswalk when on a multi-lane road?
15 What must drivers waiting to turn left into a driveway consider before proceeding?

16 In the absence of a traffic signal, when is it obligatory for vehicles to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk, marked or unmarked?

17 Is it legal to stand on the side of the road to hitchhike or ask for a ride from passing vehicles?

18 What should you do if you see a pedestrian crossing or attempting to cross the street? Sharing the road - What should you do if you see a pedestrian crossing or attempting to cross the street?
19 Why shouldn't you follow a cyclist too closely?

20 Do roundabouts typically have dedicated bicycle lanes? Sharing the road - Do roundabouts typically have dedicated bicycle lanes?
21 What should you do when approaching a bicyclist on a two-lane road with oncoming traffic? Sharing the road - What should you do when approaching a bicyclist on a two-lane road with oncoming traffic?
22 What should you do when it's not safe to pass a bicycle on a narrow street?

23 What precautions should you take when driving at night to ensure the safety of bicyclists?

24 When must bicyclists wear a helmet?

25 How may bicyclists proceed through a roundabout?

26 What should you do when you encounter a bicycle proceeding straight through the intersection?

27 Are bicyclists entitled to share the road with other drivers?

28 Under what conditions are bicyclists allowed to pass on the right side of motorists?

29 What does the picture below indicate? Sharing the road - What does the picture below indicate?
30 What does the picture below indicate? Sharing the road - What does the picture below indicate?
31 When can you park your bicycle on a sidewalk or pathway?

32 What action should you take when turning left and a bicyclist is entering the intersection from the opposite direction? Sharing the road - What action should you take when turning left and a bicyclist is entering the intersection from the opposite direction?
33 Why should you never share a lane with a motorcycle rider?

34 Why should you check your blind spots when changing lanes?

35 What must be done if a vehicle's windshield does not meet the required standards for quality, size, and thickness?

36 Do operators of motorcycles and mopeds need to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance?

37 Which of the following action should you avoid when driving a moped?

38 Which of the following statement is correct?

39 Which of the following is true regarding lanes when passing a motorcyclist?

40 What should drivers consider when passing a motorcycle?

41 Drivers should be aware that a motorcyclist may:

42 What are motorcyclists required to do for protection?

43 Why does a large commercial vehicle first need to swing wide to the left and then turn around in order to make a right turn? Sharing the road - Why does a large commercial vehicle first need to swing wide to the left and then turn around in order to make a right turn?
44 How can driving alongside a large commercial vehicle affect your ability to drive?

45 Which of the following statements is true for the large trucks on a multi-lane freeway?

46 How can you tell if you are in a large truck's blind spot?

47 What should you do when passing a truck in a legal passing zone?

48 What should you do when passing a truck on a downhill grade?

49 What does it mean when a truck driver blinks the truck's lights after you pass?

50 When a truck is passing your vehicle, what should you do to help the truck driver?

51 What should you do when encountering a truck coming from the opposite direction? Sharing the road - What should you do when encountering a truck coming from the opposite direction?
52 What should you do when a truck is preparing to back up, and you need to cross behind it? Sharing the road - What should you do when a truck is preparing to back up, and you need to cross behind it?
53 When stopped behind a large commercial vehicle, where should you position yourself in a lane?

54 Why should you watch for turning trucks at intersections?

55 What should drivers be aware of regarding large trucks and SUVs?

56 Why is the extra space in front of a large truck important?

57 What should you do to avoid being in a truck driver’s blind spot?

58 What precautions should drivers take around commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) to enhance safety?

59 What should you remember when sharing the road with a light rail vehicle?

60 At a light rail intersection, what should you always do? Sharing the road - At a light rail intersection, what should you always do?
61 Which of the following do not need the special slow-moving vehicle emblem?

62 In a marked school zone with warning flashers, you must:

63 How far before the crosswalk should you stop to ensure drivers in other lanes have a clear view of pedestrians?

64 Even if you have the right-of-way, you are legally obligated to stop and yield to:

65 When a blind pedestrian is crossing any portion of the roadway, even if not at an intersection or crosswalk, how far should you stop from them until they are off the roadway?

66 Walking on the interstate is:

67 What should drivers do when preparing for a right turn near bicycle traffic?

68 What does it mean if a bicyclist has a red or orange pennant flag on the antenna attached to their bike?

69 When are bicyclists required to ride as far right in the lane as possible?

70 If the lane is marked and signed for bicycle use only, drivers must:

71 On roadways, bicyclists are considered:

72 Maintain at least ________ following distance behind a motorcycle.

73 Why is it hard to tell how far a motorcycle is at night?

74 Why should motorcyclists avoid riding between lanes or sharing a lane with another vehicle?

75 When can a motorcyclist safely pass a stopped vehicle in the same lane?

76 Why is it easier to pass a large truck or bus when driving uphill?

77 Why should you avoid driving directly behind a truck or bus?

78 What does it indicate if you cannot see the truck driver in the truck's sideview mirror?

79 Which areas are considered blind spots for a truck?

80 The area up to 20 feet directly in front of a large truck or bus is considered a:

81 What is the rule when a transit bus is stopped for passenger pickup or drop-off?

82 What does a fluorescent or reflective orange and red triangle displayed on the rear of a vehicle indicate? Sharing the road - What does a fluorescent or reflective orange and red triangle displayed on the rear of a vehicle indicate?
83 Which of the following might display the slow-moving vehicle (SMV) emblem?

84 Normal speed for slow-moving vehicles may range from:

85 A red lamp on the rear of a slow-moving vehicle should normally be visible for ________ to the rear.

86 Which of the following statements is true regarding horse-drawn carriages?

87 Never____________ when a truck or bus is passing.