Overcome Driving Anxiety: Effective Tips to Overcome Fear

driving anxiety


Many people get really scared and anxious when they have to drive or even ride in a car. This fear of driving has different names like amaxophobia, ochophobia, motorphobia, or amaxophobia. It happens because someone is really, really scared of driving and worries a lot about not being able to control the car.

Driving can make some people really anxious or scared, especially when they have to go through tunnels, cross bridges, drive on the freeway, or even just sit in the passenger seat. These places or situations can feel risky to them.

They're worried that something bad might happen, and that's why they feel this way.

Being really scared of driving is worse than regular anxiety. If you don't get help for this fear, it can mess up your daily life and even hurt your mental health in the long run.

Why People Get Scared of Driving?

Lots of reasons make people afraid to drive. The top one is being scared of having a panic attack while driving. Other reasons include:

  • Having been in a car crash before.
  • Seeing really bad car accidents or hearing about them happening to someone you know.
  • Getting lost for a long time while driving and not being able to get help.
  • Dealing with really heavy traffic.
  • Not feeling confident in your driving skills.

How to Tell If You Might Have a Fear of Driving?

The biggest sign of a driving anxiety is avoiding driving altogether. Consider these additional points to be mindful of:

  • Feeling really scared and panicky all the time.
  • Going out of your way to stay away from any kind of vehicle.
  • Sweaty palms.
  • Feeling lost and confused.
  • Having trouble breathing.
  • Feeling dizzy.
  • Your heart racing when you're driving.

When You Get Really Scared While Driving

Sometimes, you might suddenly feel super scared when you're driving. These are called panic attacks, and they can happen if you have a driving phobia. Panic attacks can lead to a bigger problem called panic disorder.

Doctors can figure out if you're having panic attacks. They'll ask you questions about when and where it happened and what you were doing. The good thing is, panic attacks can be treated.

Effective Tips to Beat Your Fear of Driving

Getting rid of your fear of driving on highways might be tough, but it's doable. Here are some effective driving anxiety tips to help you conquer your driving phobia and become a confident driver:

Tip 1: Get a Driving Instructor

Surprisingly, many people are really scared of highway driving because they don't have the right driving skills. If you want to learn how to drive, taking lessons is the first thing to do. It's important to find a patient and understanding driving instructor who will help you.

An instructor will talk you through the driving process. They'll explain what's happening outside and point out any possible dangers or accidents. Knowing that an expert is with you can make you feel much calmer. So, don't skip your driving lessons if you want to overcome your anxiety.

Tip 2: Try Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy means facing your fear bit by bit to beat it. For instance, you can sit in the driver's seat of your car without starting the engine. Just hold the steering wheel for a few minutes. Continue doing this daily until you experience an improvement.

When you're ready, add another small step, like turning on the engine. With exposure therapy, you keep doing more challenging things as you get more comfortable.

Eventually, you might be surprised that you're driving without any trouble. If driving is still really hard, there's also virtual reality exposure therapy that can help you deal with your fear.

Tip 3: The Brutal Truth Approach: Say Your Fears Aloud

The Brutal Truth Method is about telling someone you trust about your fears. They'll help you see the positive side when dealing with your fears. For instance, if you're scared of something like chickens, your trusted friend can remind you that chickens are harmless.

If you don't want to talk to someone, you can write your fears in a workbook or record your voice. Be truthful with yourself regarding your fears. It's the first step to overcoming your fear of cars driving.

Tip 4: Use Relaxation Methods

If you really want to drive without fear, it's important to understand how to relax. When you're driving, you shouldn't be all tense or worried. You need to stay calm and focused. Meditation is one of the great ways to do this, and it really works.

Meditation doesn't cost much, and you can do it at home. Deep breathing is another good relaxation exercise. If you start feeling nervous, take some deep breaths while listening to calming music until you feel more at ease.

Tip 5: Use Positive Thoughts

Be kind to yourself and use positive words to feel better. These are short statements that make you feel good.

Encouraging yourself can really help you progress. While you're driving, say things like: "I'm scared, but I can handle this. I'm open to the idea that driving can be enjoyable and worthwhile."

Just keep driving until you start feeling comfortable. Roll down the window and let the fresh air touch you. You can't get over your fear if you never try driving. You need to be brave and face your fear to become a driver.

That’s a Wrap!

If you're afraid of driving, it's something you'll need to work on to overcome. Some may just need more practice, while others with severe fears might benefit from counseling to understand their fears and cope with them. Driving should be an enjoyable activity, not something to dread. You can conquer your fear of driving by giving any of the driving tips for nervous drivers mentioned above a try.

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