Study Guide

# Question Image
1 When is it more efficient to use the AC instead of rolling down your windows?

2 To whom should drivers and cyclists yield the right-of-way at a pedestrian crossing or any location with a crosswalk?

3 If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the street, which of the following has the right of way?

4 You should be very careful while driving through a playground or school zone:

5 Who has the right-of-way over all others at the crosswalk, whether marked or unmarked? Sharing the road - Who has the right-of-way over all others at the crosswalk, whether marked or unmarked?
6 What should you do when approaching a stopped vehicle that is letting pedestrians cross the road at the intersection? Sharing the road - What should you do when approaching a stopped vehicle that is letting pedestrians cross the road at the intersection?
7 Where should pedestrians normally walk on a highway or elsewhere?

8 What should you do when children are present near the road?

9 What should you do when encountering a blind person crossing the street with a cane or a guide dog, regardless of any intersection or crosswalk? Sharing the road - What should you do when encountering a blind person crossing the street with a cane or a guide dog, regardless of any intersection or crosswalk?
10 Where should you stop when giving the right-of-way to a blind person crossing the street? Sharing the road - Where should you stop when giving the right-of-way to a blind person crossing the street?
11 What should you do when you encounter a pedestrian crossing your lane without a crosswalk? Sharing the road - What should you do when you encounter a pedestrian crossing your lane without a crosswalk?
12 Who has the right-of-way at an intersection with no crosswalks? Sharing the road - Who has the right-of-way at an intersection with no crosswalks?
13 In which of the following situations should you always stop before crossing the sidewalk or crosswalk area?

14 How can you help protect a pedestrian in a crosswalk when you are stopped, and the cars in the next lane don't see the pedestrian and continue at full speed? Sharing the road - How can you help protect a pedestrian in a crosswalk when you are stopped, and the cars in the next lane don't see the pedestrian and continue at full speed?
15 Which of the following is considered a pedestrian?

16 When can you drive on a sidewalk?

17 What should you do if a pedestrian makes eye contact with you while waiting to cross the street?

18 Who should you allow more time to cross the street to ensure their safety?

19 What should you avoid doing when stopping at a crosswalk?

20 Why should you avoid stopping in the middle of a crosswalk?

21 What should you avoid doing when encountering a blind pedestrian? Sharing the road - What should you avoid doing when encountering a blind pedestrian?
22 What does it indicate when a blind person pulls in their cane and steps away from an intersection?

23 When there are no sidewalks available, pedestrians should:

24 What should pedestrians do in areas with no pedestrian crosswalks or signals?

25 In which situations do pedestrians have the right-of-way when crossing streets at corners?

26 What should you do if you see a pedestrian crossing or attempting to cross the street? Sharing the road - What should you do if you see a pedestrian crossing or attempting to cross the street?
27 Why should you not sound the horn unnecessarily when overtaking a cyclist?

28 Which pavement color is utilized to improve the visibility of bike lanes in high-traffic areas? Sharing the road - Which pavement color is utilized to improve the visibility of bike lanes in high-traffic areas?
29 Do roundabouts typically have dedicated bicycle lanes? Sharing the road - Do roundabouts typically have dedicated bicycle lanes?
30 What should you do when it's not safe to pass a bicycle on a narrow street?

31 What should you do if you see a bicycle with a flag indicating the rider may have impaired hearing? Sharing the road - What should you do if you see a bicycle with a flag indicating the rider may have impaired hearing?
32 In what situation is it legal to drive in a bicycle lane?

33 What should you do when entering a bike lane before making a turn?

34 Which of the following statements is true regarding bicyclists?

35 When must bicyclists wear a helmet?

36 Bicyclists must:

37 Which equipment should a bicycle or bicyclist carry when riding at night?

38 Bicyclists traveling slower than the flow of traffic must ride as close as possible to the right curb or edge of the road, except when they are:

39 What should drivers keep in mind when sharing the road with bicyclists?

40 What is the safest way to pass a bicyclist in the travel lane?

41 Why is it important to be vigilant for bicycles in traffic lanes?

42 What should you remember when entering a bike lane to make a turn?

43 How should bicyclists signal their intentions to other motorists?

44 Under what circumstances may a bicyclist not need to ride near the right curb or edge of the road, despite moving slower than the traffic?

45 Why should you be more careful on roads with motorcycles?

46 Why should you never share a lane with a motorcycle rider?

47 What is the recommended following distance when driving behind a motorcycle for safety? Sharing the road - What is the recommended following distance when driving behind a motorcycle for safety?
48 When passing a motorcycle, what should drivers avoid doing?

49 What must be done if a vehicle's windshield does not meet the required standards for quality, size, and thickness?

50 Why is it often difficult to gauge the speed of a motorcycle?

51 Which of the following statements is true regarding motorcyclists?

52 What is one way motorcyclists can increase their visibility during the day?

53 How can motorcyclists make themselves more noticeable to other road users?

54 What should motorcyclists consider to enhance their nighttime visibility?

55 Which of the following should motorcyclists avoid?

56 What should you never attempt to do when driving alongside a motorcycle?

57 How many motorcyclists are allowed to ride side-by-side in a single lane? Sharing the road - How many motorcyclists are allowed to ride side-by-side in a single lane?
58 What effect can a strong gust of wind have on a motorcycle?

59 When compared to regular vehicles, the blind spots of large commercial vehicles are: Sharing the road - When compared to regular vehicles, the blind spots of large commercial vehicles are:
60 Why is it dangerous to drive along with a large commercial vehicle? Sharing the road - Why is it dangerous to drive along with a large commercial vehicle?
61 The stopping distance of large commercial vehicles is: Sharing the road - The stopping distance of large commercial vehicles is:
62 How can driving alongside a large commercial vehicle affect your ability to drive?

63 Why should you be more careful while driving along large commercial trucks? Sharing the road - Why should you be more careful while driving along large commercial trucks?
64 Trucks are not allowed to drive in the:

65 Which of the following statements is true for the large trucks on a multi-lane freeway?

66 How can you tell if you are in a large truck's blind spot?

67 How do large vehicle blind spots differ from those of cars? Sharing the road - How do large vehicle blind spots differ from those of cars?
68 What should you do when encountering a truck coming from the opposite direction? Sharing the road - What should you do when encountering a truck coming from the opposite direction?
69 What should you do when a truck is preparing to back up, and you need to cross behind it? Sharing the road - What should you do when a truck is preparing to back up, and you need to cross behind it?
70 When passing large vehicles or trucks, what should you avoid doing?

71 What should you be aware of when following a large truck making a right turn onto a street with two lanes in each direction? Sharing the road - What should you be aware of when following a large truck making a right turn onto a street with two lanes in each direction?
72 How should you pass a large truck driving in the middle of three lanes? Sharing the road - How should you pass a large truck driving in the middle of three lanes?
73 Under what conditions are large trucks most likely to lose speed and become a hazard to other drivers?

74 Which of the following is true about sharing the road with large trucks?

75 What should drivers be aware of when sharing the road with large vehicles?

76 What is highly unsafe to do when driving near large vehicles in traffic or on the highway?

77 Which of the following statements about public transit bus lanes is true?

78 A safety zone is a specially marked area for passengers to get on or off buses or trolleys. When can you drive through it? Sharing the road - A safety zone is a specially marked area for passengers to get on or off buses or trolleys. When can you drive through it?
79 When driving along a light rail vehicle, you should:

80 At a light rail intersection, what should you always do? Sharing the road - At a light rail intersection, what should you always do?
81 In most cases, farm machinery and tractors will be travelling at a speed less than _______.

82 A light must be displayed on the front of the horse-drawn vehicle:

83 Which of the following are restricted from roads where the speed limit is greater than 35 mph?

84 What does a diamond-shaped sign on a truck indicate?

85 Why should you avoid moving in front of a large vehicle and suddenly slowing down or stopping?

86 What should you avoid when driving near large vehicles or trucks?

87 What rights and responsibilities do light rail vehicles have on public roads?