1 |
A vehicle should not be parked: |
2 |
Do not park within ________ feet of an intersection. |
3 |
In which of the following locations are you prohibited from parking? |
4 |
It is against the law to park: |
5 |
Where is it prohibited to stop, stand, or park at any time? |
6 |
Avoid parking within: |
7 |
If not impeding the normal flow of pedestrian traffic, which of these vehicles can be parked on a sidewalk? |
8 |
Parking is prohibited within: |
9 |
Who is permitted to use parking spaces marked with the handicap parking symbol? |
10 |
Where should you park your vehicle on the road? |
11 |
You must always park on the right side of the road, unless: |
12 |
How close to the curb are you allowed to park when parking parallel to it? |
13 |
What should you do to prevent your parked vehicle from rolling down a hill? |