Study Guide

# Question Image
1 When is it more efficient to use the AC instead of rolling down your windows?

2 To whom should drivers and cyclists yield the right-of-way at a pedestrian crossing or any location with a crosswalk?

3 If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the street, which of the following has the right of way?

4 You should be very careful while driving through a playground or school zone:

5 What should you do when approaching a stopped vehicle that is letting pedestrians cross the road at the intersection? Sharing the road - What should you do when approaching a stopped vehicle that is letting pedestrians cross the road at the intersection?
6 Where should pedestrians normally walk on a highway or elsewhere?

7 What should you do when children are present near the road?

8 Where should you stop when giving the right-of-way to a blind person crossing the street? Sharing the road - Where should you stop when giving the right-of-way to a blind person crossing the street?
9 Why should you avoid stopping in the middle of a crosswalk?

10 Why may pedestrians be at risk when walking near hybrid and electric vehicles?

11 Which of the following are considered pedestrians when in a crosswalk or driveway?

12 What should you keep in mind when approaching a vehicle from the rear that is stopped at a crosswalk? Sharing the road - What should you keep in mind when approaching a vehicle from the rear that is stopped at a crosswalk?
13 Where should pedestrians stop before stepping into the street for crossing?

14 What must drivers waiting to turn left into a driveway consider before proceeding?

15 What should you do if you see a pedestrian crossing or attempting to cross the street? Sharing the road - What should you do if you see a pedestrian crossing or attempting to cross the street?
16 Do roundabouts typically have dedicated bicycle lanes? Sharing the road - Do roundabouts typically have dedicated bicycle lanes?
17 What should you do when it's not safe to pass a bicycle on a narrow street?

18 In most areas, what rights and responsibilities do cyclists have?

19 When must bicyclists wear a helmet?

20 What should drivers keep in mind when sharing the road with bicyclists?

21 Why should you be more careful on roads with motorcycles?

22 Why should you never share a lane with a motorcycle rider?

23 Why should you check your blind spots when changing lanes?

24 What must be done if a vehicle's windshield does not meet the required standards for quality, size, and thickness?

25 Why is it often difficult to gauge the speed of a motorcycle?

26 Why should you keep extra space and be alert when riding behind motorcyclists?

27 Which of the following action should you avoid when driving a moped?

28 Which of the following statement is correct?

29 What should drivers consider when passing a motorcycle?

30 Drivers should be aware that a motorcyclist may:

31 What are motorcyclists required to do for protection?

32 When should drivers especially watch out for motorcycles?

33 Why is it dangerous to drive along with a large commercial vehicle? Sharing the road - Why is it dangerous to drive along with a large commercial vehicle?
34 How can driving alongside a large commercial vehicle affect your ability to drive?

35 How can you tell if you are in a large truck's blind spot?

36 What should you do when encountering a truck coming from the opposite direction? Sharing the road - What should you do when encountering a truck coming from the opposite direction?
37 Why is it not recommended to use high beam headlights when following a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) at night?

38 What should you do before pulling in front of a truck?

39 What precautions should you take when following a truck?

40 How can drivers avoid the Front No-Zone when merging or pulling into the lane of a truck or bus?

41 Why is the extra space in front of a large truck important?

42 What should you do to avoid being in a truck driver’s blind spot?

43 In most cases, farm machinery and tractors will be travelling at a speed less than _______.

44 Where should you drive safely and slowly?

45 What is the crosswalk used for?

46 Should you yield the right of way to pedestrians even when they are not obeying traffic control signals?

47 If a pedestrian is illegally crossing in the middle of the street (not at a crosswalk), what should you do? Sharing the road - If a pedestrian is illegally crossing in the middle of the street (not at a crosswalk), what should you do?
48 On roadways, bicyclists are considered:

49 When can a motorcyclist safely pass a stopped vehicle in the same lane?

50 What does it indicate if you cannot see the truck driver in the truck's sideview mirror?

51 When is it safe to pass another vehicle?